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Text File | 1995-06-19 | 33.6 KB | 707 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TidBITS#102/20-Jan-92
- =====================
- This issue is full of the latest and greatest software and
- hardware shown at Macworld SF and some unpleasant bugs in Word
- 5 that you should know about. Also check out why I think
- QuickTime will succeed where HyperCard failed and why the
- DeskWriter C driver can cause headaches in laboratory rats and
- Murph Sewall alike. Finally, the long-awaited announcement of
- our very own TidBITS mailing list. Have TidBITS delivered to
- your Internet door every week!
- Copyright 1990-1992 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
- publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Other
- publications please contact us. We do not guarantee the accuracy
- of articles. Publication, product, and company names may be
- registered trademarks of their companies. Disk subscriptions and
- back issues are available.
- For more information send electronic mail to info@tidbits.uucp or
- Internet: ace@tidbits.uucp -- CIS: 72511,306 -- AOL: Adam Engst
- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/20-Jan-92
- TidBITS Mailing List
- Macworld SF Impressions
- Software at Macworld
- Hardware at Macworld
- QuickTime Rules
- Major Word Bugs
- DeskWriter C Driver Grump
- Reviews/20-Jan-92
- [Archived as /info-mac/digest/tb/tidbits-102.etx; 34K]
- MailBITS/20-Jan-92
- ------------------
- What a show! Going to a Macworld Expo always takes a great deal
- of effort because I want to see everything and talk to lots of
- people, and I usually spend the entire day on the floor. I wanted
- to order a new set of legs by the end, but all the mail order
- places were backordered by then. :-)
- I enjoyed the show, and I'll write more about it below. I want to
- mention how nice it was to meet so many of the people I've
- corresponded with electronically for so long. We had made up a
- bunch of cool red TidBITS buttons (the only button at the show
- with a penguin on it) and I tried to give them away to TidBITS
- readers, but I'm sure I missed many of you. We've still got some
- buttons and will give you a chance to get one via snail mail in
- the next few weeks. Stay tuned for details.
- Hot PowerBooks
- Mark H. Anbinder, obviously hoping to add a Junior Woodchuck Crime
- Prevention Badge to his TidBITS Contributing Editor Badge, sent
- this note. "Late in December, three Macintosh PowerBook 140's
- (4/40 part #M1227LL/A) were stolen from the ComputerLand Mid-
- Atlantic warehouse in Clinton, MD. The following are the serial
- numbers for the units:
- F2144L5D7
- F2145JTG7
- F2148HWK7
- If you have information about these units, please notify Officer
- Wingate with the police at 301/336-8800, and reference case #91-
- 364-419. Please pass this information along to anyone who might
- come into contact with these units."
- 140 Floppy Solution
- While you're peering around for your PowerBook 140's serial number
- to see if it's hot, check to see if your machine has the shield
- that solves the intermittent disk recognition problems that have
- plagued 140 owners. PowerBook 140s with a serial number of F2149
- or later (PowerBooks made after Christmas, 1991) had the shield
- installed in the factory and will not experience this problem.
- As we reported a few weeks ago, the immediate solution is to turn
- off the backlighting on the screen, and the long-term solution is
- to call Apple at 800/SOS-APPL and make arrangements to send it in
- to be fixed, a free repair I believe. Do note that this repair
- deal only applies to the 140, and _not_ to the 170 or the 100.
- Information from:
- Mark H. Anbinder -- mha@baka.ithaca.ny.us
- Word 5.0 Addendum
- Dwight K. Lemke writes, "An addendum to your report on Word 5.0: I
- was informed by Niles & Associates that the latest version of
- EndNote Plus includes a Word 5.0 command application so that it
- can be accessed from the Insert menu. Expect to see it in mid-
- February."
- [Adam: I'm glad to see people using the plug-in capabilities of
- Word 5.0, but I would have been more impressed if they could be
- easily turned on and off without quitting the program and moving
- the files around.]
- Information from:
- Dwight K. Lemke -- LEMKE@vaxa.cis.uwosh.edu
- TidBITS Mailing List
- --------------------
- Finally! After 101 issues and almost two years, we're setting up a
- mailing list so that you can receive TidBITS in your electronic
- mailbox. Thanks to some great folks at Simon Fraser University in
- Canada, you can now receive TidBITS directly rather than waiting
- for it to come through in comp.sys.mac.digest or snagging it from
- an FTP site a few days later. This will definitely be the fastest
- way to get TidBITS from now on. The mailing list should work for
- people on CompuServe as well, although probably not for people
- using the AppleLink gateway, since AppleLink has something like a
- 30K limit on incoming files, and although most issues are under
- 30K, I can't guarantee that all will fit through.
- Subscription to the mailing list is extremely easy: just send an
- email message (you don't have to include a special Subject: line
- or special body text) to:
- tidbits-subscription@sfu.ca
- and you'll be automatically added to the mailing list. This list
- is _not_ a discussion list; it is solely for distributing issues
- of TidBITS via email, so please do not use it to talk about
- TidBITS. I enjoy receiving comments and suggestions, but please
- send email to my personal account (ace@tidbits.halcyon.com) for
- that purpose. I include selected comments and suggestions in our
- weekly MailBITS column in TidBITS.
- Information from:
- Alvin Khoo -- khoo@sfu.ca
- Macworld SF Impressions
- -----------------------
- A friend who went to San Francisco Macworld several years ago
- claimed that it was so crowded that you could only walk in the
- direction the crowd was flowing. It wasn't that bad this year, but
- I spent a full day exploring both Moscone and Brooks Hall, and
- then another day checking out all the things I'd missed at
- Moscone.
- Giveaways
- In past years, companies went all out on the giveaways. Well, we
- have met the recession and it is us. I collected only about twenty
- buttons (which we promptly doctored with magnetic tape and stuck
- on our refrigerator), and only three demo disks. The most common
- marketing concept was to give a prize to a random person spotted
- wearing a specific button, so Mass Microsystems, for instance,
- would give a prize to someone they saw wearing their button. In
- theory it cut down on the prizes and increased the button
- exposure, but I don't know how well it worked - I certainly didn't
- wear all twenty of my buttons every day or I would have been
- bullet-proof. Had I stayed in a worse neighborhood in Oakland,
- that might have been a feature. Anyway, the moral of the story is
- that the computer industry is looking for ways to cut costs and
- increase real exposure, and trade show giveaways were early on the
- chopping block. Even still, the award for the best giveaway goes
- to CE Software for their specially-printed packets of Earth
- Software, better known as wildflower seeds.
- Demos
- I must admit that I have a low tolerance for demos. Usually I can
- learn more from fifteen minutes with a program on my own than by
- sitting through an hour long demo. My tolerance goes down even
- further when I have to stand for the demo and peer over other
- people. That said, the demo that impressed me the most was Adobe
- Premiere, a QuickTime movie-making application that looked fun.
- Diva's VideoShop, a similar application was also popular, so much
- so that I never had the patience to elbow my way to the front of
- the crowd so that I could get a glimpse. NewTek showed their
- VideoToaster in a corner, and packs of people swarmed around the
- booth, making it so you couldn't get within twenty feet. The worst
- demos were those with a theme. Shiva had baseball bleachers up and
- an announcer dressed like Babe Ruth, and Farallon had a pair of
- actors who performed several different skits, all of which
- involved Farallon products at some point, although I couldn't
- stand them long enough to tell for sure.
- Parties
- I never went to parties at previous shows, so I mainly stuck to
- press receptions (or "How to eat cheap in San Francisco") and the
- netter's dinner. The dinner was a blast, with 120 people from nets
- attending, many of them the programmers of much of the excellent
- shareware and freeware out there. I know I promised to send some
- of you various things, but I also assured you I would forget, so
- please remind me via email. I enjoyed the Hunan food, although I
- expected it to be hotter based on Jon Pugh's statement: "They can
- make it cooler, but we frown on that sort of behavior." There
- could have been a bit more food, but my stomach may have been
- biased from the meager fruit and croissants I'd given it that
- morning. My vote goes to a few more courses in the next revision,
- Jon.
- I did go to the Software Ventures party, at which I mainly talked
- to people from BMUG and various programmers. I enjoyed myself
- thoroughly, and they even invited me to MacHack, which is 96 hours
- of no sleep and serious programming (or in my case, serious
- kibitzing) in June. I'd love to go and will try to make it and
- report back on the cool stuff created there. My downfall at being
- a serious party animal (which was otherwise aided by my barracuda
- tie) was due in part to the fact that the train to Oakland, where
- I was staying with a friend, turned into a pumpkin around midnight
- and I didn't feel like traveling from downtown San Francisco to
- somewhere in Oakland on my own. Ah well, maybe I'll be rich and
- famous enough next year to stay in San Francisco itself so I don't
- have to make like Cinderella when it starts to get late.
- Software at Macworld
- --------------------
- This is by no means a definitive list of all the interesting
- software at Macworld, or even everything that I saw, but here are
- some of the products that caught my eye.
- ThoughtPattern 2.0
- Bananafish Software showed a beta of the next version of
- ThoughtPattern, a personal information manager (PIM). PIM is one
- of those acronyms that doesn't mean much, but I'm impressed with
- ThoughtPattern because it melds the standard calendar features of
- other programs with a full-featured database. Unlike most
- databases, though, ThoughtPattern excels at storing unformatted
- information such that which flows in from the nets. My main
- ThoughtPattern textbase is 1.3 MB in size, and 95% of that file
- came from the nets. I don't use it every day, but periodically I
- find it extremely handy. We'll review ThoughtPattern when 2.0
- ships since it will be a significant upgrade from the current
- version (1.2.1).
- Bananafish Software -- 415/929-8135
- bananafish@applelink.apple.com
- InfoLog
- Connectix is deciding on a final name for this database product,
- but I expect it will be popular. InfoLog has a specific purpose -
- helping you keep track of physical papers, especially if you have
- organized them with an unusual system. As a child collecting comic
- books, I filed my Spiderman comics under "P" for Peter Parker,
- Spidey's real name, due to lack of space in "S". That was fine for
- me, but no one else would have guessed. You may know someone who
- files papers in an equally illogical order, or you may have three
- or four people who file things in subjective categories that other
- people have to find later. In either case, InfoLog can track those
- documents and their hiding places so that anyone can easily find
- them. InfoLog would also come in handy to track incoming faxes,
- which often aren't easily categorized and which are often removed
- from the machine by someone other than the intended recipient. I
- don't know how soon InfoLog will be out, but I suspect that people
- will find uses for its document tracking and locating abilities.
- Connectix -- 800/950-5880 -- 415/571-5100
- connectix@applelink.apple.com
- Compression Utilities
- These guys never let up. Salient was shipping AutoDoubler, which
- is every bit as cool as promised and about as transparent and
- stable as possible. I'm pleased with how it came out. There's not
- much we can add to our original article, other than that what we
- said then was right.
- Aladdin was exhibiting, though not shipping StuffIt Deluxe 3.0 and
- SpaceSaver, the latter of which will be sold separately. I don't
- know SpaceSaver as well as AutoDoubler, not having tested it yet,
- but it appears that the programs perform similar actions, with the
- main difference being that SpaceSaver is smart about file and
- folder names as well. So, if you want to create a StuffIt archive,
- just add ".sit" to the end. ".sea" will turn the file into a
- self-extracting archive, and other user-specified words will
- immediately compress or expand files and folders. StuffIt Deluxe
- 3.0 has a much improved interface and has dropped the umpteen
- zillion compression formats (though it still reads them) in favor
- of a single one that achieved incredible compression (over 70% on
- some files I saw) and amazing speed (approximately two seconds to
- expand a 130K document).
- Alysis showed the new More Disk Space, which I somehow missed
- seeing, but which supposedly installs itself into the System file
- to ensure that it runs all the time. I prefer the way Salient and
- Aladdin ensure that you'll be able to expand your files by
- including an application that can always expand compressed files,
- but I expect that Alysis's solution does work.
- The most interesting newcomer to the transparent compression world
- is DiskSpace from Golden Triangle. They've built compression
- directly into the hard disk driver, which means that everything on
- the disk is automatically compressed all the time, even the System
- and Finder, which no other programs touch. The disk appears to be
- twice as large as it is. Currently, you must reformat your hard
- disk to install DiskSpace, but Golden Triangle plans a version for
- the summer that will take over disks from other drivers. I was
- unable to find any holes in their implementation from talking to
- the programmer, but I, possibly like other people, am a little
- leery of anything that works at such a low level. In addition, I
- bought Silverlining for a reason (namely it's a great disk
- formatting and diagnostic package), and I wouldn't want to give it
- up just like that. Neat idea, though.
- Salient -- 415/321-5375
- salient@applelink.apple.com
- Aladdin -- 408/761-6200
- aladdin@well.sf.ca.us
- Alysis -- 415/566-2263
- 72510.1317@compuserve.com
- Golden Triangle -- 619/279-2100
- Expanded Books
- One of the most pleasant surprises at Macworld came from Voyager,
- who shipped the first three Expanded Books, designed especially
- for use on the PowerBook screens (but which will work on any
- screen 640 x 400 or larger. The three titles are Michael
- Crichton's "Jurassic Park," "The Complete Hitchhiker's Guide to
- the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams (a longtime Macintosh fan), and
- Martin Gardner's "Annotated Alice." Written in HyperCard 2.1 (one
- of the few commercial programs to use HyperCard), the Expanded
- Books are designed for easy reading, browsing, and searching. You
- can add bookmarks, copy selected passages, add marginal notes, and
- mark passages for reference. I don't know how hypertext-like the
- books are since they were originally written linearly, but short
- of the true hyperfiction that Eastgate publishes, this is as good
- as it gets. Voyager also has some fun CD-ROMs full of QuickTime
- movie clips, one of baseball's greatest moments, another called
- "Poetry in Motion," with readings by famous poets, and two more
- that dig through America's recent past. I really must get a fast
- CD-ROM drive soon.
- Voyager -- 310/451-1383
- voyager@applelink.apple.com
- Hardware at Macworld
- --------------------
- The most interesting hardware was harder to find, squirreled off
- in the corners of Moscone and even in local hotels. I saw some
- products and regretfully missed others.
- Same BAT channel
- I tried the full BAT keyboard at Infogrip's booth and came away
- wanting to really put it through its paces. Infogrip was still
- having trouble with the ADB since Apple apparently hasn't been
- terribly forthcoming, but the design was extremely comfortable
- since it incorporates a palm rest right with the keyboard. The
- keys had a decent feel to them - much nicer than the mushy keys on
- the miniBAT - and I felt that it wouldn't be hard to figure out
- the chording system given an hour or two of practice. I believe
- that you can keep both the standard QWERTY keyboard and the BAT
- hooked up at the same time, so if you have to whip something out
- quickly before you've gotten up to speed on the BAT, you'll be
- able to switch easily without having to restart and plug in the
- normal keyboard.
- Infogrip -- 504/766-8082
- Cute Fax Modem
- The award for the cutest product at the show goes to Mass
- Microsystems for their MASSfm 24/96, a strangely named but
- minuscule 2400 data/9600 fax modem. It's a mere 3.5" tall and
- resembles a Quadra 900 from the hit movie, "Honey, I Shrunk The
- Mac." It appears to be a full-featured send and receive fax modem
- from the brochure with some advanced features like using power
- directly from the Mac's serial port and the phone line, but being
- able to drop into a low power sleep mode when idle and wake up on
- a command or phone ring. I'd like to see it with higher speed data
- capabilities, and the Mass Microsystems people assured me that
- they would add that capability once they could figure out how to
- cram the chips into that mini Quadra case and still get the case
- to close, a problem my luggage and I struggled with as well.
- Mass Microsystems -- 800/522-7979 -- 408/522-1200
- Psychic Hardware
- I think I've mentioned work being done on brainwave recognition
- once or twice (basically differentiation between two basic
- patterns, yes/no in one case, anxiety/confusion in the other).
- Psychic Lab showed a state-of-the-art electroencephalograph (EEG)
- and biofeedback system that accepts brainwave input from a sensor
- headband, transmit it to the computer (or to anything that can
- record audio), and then display it in any one of seven rendering
- modes. The coolest rendering mode is the 3D color graph that moves
- as more data comes in. The system, called the Interactive
- Brainwave Visual Analyzer (IBVA), is only an input and display
- device right now, but I'm sure that enterprising programmers could
- figure out more things to do with it in terms of interacting with
- a computer, virtual reality, or any of the health-related uses of
- biofeedback systems. Neat stuff, and I look forward to seeing more
- of it.
- Psychic Lab Inc. -- 212/353-1669
- VPL Microcosm
- I missed the demonstrations of Microcosm because they were held in
- one of the hotels rather than on the show floor, and I'm still
- kicking myself for it. Microcosm is VPL Research's virtual reality
- system for the Macintosh. It's not cheap at $58,000, but that
- price includes a Quadra 900, the EyePhone XVR for viewing virtual
- worlds, the DataGlove XVR for manipulating objects in those
- worlds, and software to design your own virtual worlds. I'm
- curious about how they manage three dimensional sound - that is,
- sound that has a single source that you can pinpoint as you walk
- around rather than seeming to come from all around you. I'm sorry
- I missed it, but I'll try to check it out sometime and report on
- it further. Alternately, if you have $58,000 burning a hole in
- your pocket...
- VPL Research -- 415/361-1710
- QuickTime Rules
- ---------------
- John Sculley chortled slightly as he said, "Remember, I've been
- talking about multimedia for the last four years." This year he
- could afford to chortle as QuickTime stole the show. Apple boasted
- right and left that over 100 shipping applications at the show
- supported QuickTime, and they even had a special room dedicated to
- showing QuickTime-savvy applications. Perhaps the most impressive
- though, were the demos during Sculley's keynote address, and I was
- pleased to see one was a video conferencing system, something I
- suggested many months ago.
- Videophones are a fascinating idea, and people who don't want them
- because of concerns about callers seeing them as they rush from
- the shower are indeed all wet. In the immortal words of Captains
- Kirk and Picard of Star Trek, "On screen." With any sort of
- privacy-invading technology, the end user must retain complete
- control, which is why you don't have to talk to everyone who makes
- your telephone ring. Same thing with videophones - you'll have to
- consciously turn on the video, so if you're buck naked and
- dripping wet when your grandmother calls, you need not worry.
- Enough philosophy. During the keynote, Sculley used a normal Mac
- and a normal telephone line along with some slightly special
- hardware consisting of (I presume) a seriously fast modem, some
- sort of video camera, a real-time digitizing and compression board
- from Workstation Technologies Inc. (WTI), and special video
- conferencing software from Northern Telecom to talk to and view an
- art director at Time Magazine. Then, using a digital camera back
- on a Nikon camera and Adobe Photoshop, a photographer and the art
- director created a fake cover for Time showing Sculley with the
- caption, "Read My Chips." It ran a bit slowly, and the images of
- Sculley and the art director in New York were in black and white
- and jumpy, but it worked. Impressive.
- I think I've figured out why QuickTime will be a success.
- QuickTime is like HyperCard, except Apple has made sure that there
- will be a commercial market around QuickTime. Despite the
- gigabytes of stacks created in HyperCard, it has been a smashing
- commercial failure because Apple provided too much. Any moderately
- bright monkey could create something in HyperCard using the built-
- in tools - few people needed the more powerful tools marketed
- commercially, and even fewer people did a good enough job to
- market their stacks commercially. Because there's no market around
- HyperCard, it's languishing at Claris and everyone is sitting
- around trying to figure out what to do with it. Had Apple provided
- the guts of HyperCard as an extension to the system software so
- anyone could run a stack, but left the market for development
- tools open, commercial HyperCard utilities and packages of
- externals would have sprung up, some on the high end, some on the
- low end. It's not quite parallel, but it's close.
- That is what's going to happen with QuickTime. Apple has said,
- "Look people, here's this great stuff that your Mac can do, and if
- you want to make your own or modify what you're getting, go buy a
- package from a third party." Some of the programs for creating and
- editing movies will be high-end and expensive, and others will be
- more on the level of Kid Pix Companion, which among other things,
- allows kids to put together slide shows using QuickTime movies.
- Lots of movies and animations will be uploaded to the electronic
- services, and hard drives that groaned under the weight of
- HyperCard stacks may need replacing to handle the even bulkier
- movies.
- Sure, you can't do much with QuickTime right now. That's because
- developers are still figuring out what might be fun to do with it.
- Adding basic support for playing movies is easy, and that's what
- most applications have done. But the impressive stuff, like Adobe
- Premiere, is starting to appear, and the little utilities are just
- poking their heads out the door. The first I've heard of is
- VideoBeep, which can play a QuickTime movie at a number of system
- events, like Startup, Shutdown, Disk Insert, Disk Eject, and so
- on. The point is that because Apple has merely provided the
- platform and stepped out of the way, developers can step in to
- produce useful software. Competition will result and before you
- know it, there will be far more uses for QuickTime than appear
- possible now. Look at the compression market. Aladdin was sitting
- pretty with StuffIt Deluxe, and then along came Salient with
- DiskDoubler, redefining the market in the process. Now Aladdin,
- Salient, and Alysis are barely on speaking terms due to fierce
- competition, but their products are improving and evolving far
- more rapidly than any others that I can think of at the moment.
- That will happen with QuickTime utilities too, though probably not
- at the same rate for a while.
- Another reason QuickTime will succeed is that camcorders and
- digital cameras are getting cheaper and better all the time with
- the consumer market pushing them. A friend from Ithaca came to
- visit and brought four 1.4 MB floppies filled with 75 pictures of
- our friends and the gorgeous autumn leaves back there. It was a
- slightly more difficult to view the pictures than a stack of
- glossies, but it was a lot cheaper and he could easily throw out
- the lousy ones to make room for more. I'm already coveting a
- camcorder for just this sort of thing.
- Finally, Apple is pushing QuickTime as an open standard. Learning
- from IBM's accidental move with the original PC, Apple has
- realized that open standards usually win out and they're even
- better if you control the standard and have a head start in
- implementing it. To that end, one of Sculley's assistants at the
- keynote showed some QuickTime movies on a Mac, copied the files to
- a DOS floppy (I don't know if he was using Apple's soon-to-be-
- released DOS Exchange program or not), copied them onto a Windows
- system, and ran them using what he termed "extremely prototype"
- software. Still, it worked, and those QuickTime movies ran just
- fine under Windows, and once people use QuickTime on Macs and PC
- clones, the amount that you will be able to do will increase even
- more rapidly.
- Major Word Bugs
- ---------------
- Someone goofed, folks. I know lots of people who only use
- Microsoft Word because it talks so well with PageMaker. Not too
- surprising, considering that Microsoft and Aldus are about ten
- miles apart. We said in our previous articles on Word that the
- file formats of Word 4.0 and Word 5.0 are the same. That's
- apparently true with the exception of about 100 bytes at the
- beginning of the file, and that minor difference can cause
- problems when placing documents in PageMaker, though the situation
- is still a little fuzzy.
- The basic problem is that if you work on a Word 4.0 document in
- Word 5.0 and then want to place that document in PageMaker 4.x, it
- sometimes fails, (even more frustrating than if it failed
- consistently). Documents that have never been touched by Word 5.0
- are fine, and documents created in Word 5.0 and never touched by
- Word 4.0 are fine. There isn't much else we can tell you about the
- problem (you'll know it when you see it) except the solution,
- which currently seems to be the only fix for problematic files
- until Aldus releases new import filters for PageMaker.
- To fix, as my mother would say, a bad-dude file, open it in Word
- 4.0, save it in RTF format (which, by the way, is an excellent way
- to fix some common problems with Word files), open the RTF file in
- Word 4.0 again, and save under a new name. Then you can import the
- file into PageMaker. If you were paying attention you'll notice
- that Word 5.0 does not figure into the fix at all, so make sure
- you keep Word 4.0 handy if you regularly import Word documents
- originally created in 4.0 into PageMaker.
- Graphics Bug
- We've heard reports of Word 5 crashing when editing mildly complex
- graphics in its graphics editor, and at first figured that people
- were just pushing the limits a bit too far. A little testing
- showed that the graphics editor is not terribly stable,
- particularly in low memory situations. I created a Word 4.0
- document with a few words and one of the standard graphics from
- the Scrapbook (the Downtown Business Occupancy Rate one), opened
- it in Word 5.0, double-clicked on the graphic, and then played
- with the lines in it for a minute before Word bombed. Be careful
- out there folks.
- Public Relations Bug
- In the humor department, at a recent dBUG meeting, a Microsoft
- product manager called a woman from the audience up on stage and
- asked the leading question, "How many people out of ten must pass
- a feature in Microsoft's usability testing for that feature to
- reach the final program?" Undeterred by the prospect of not
- winning a hot pink Microsoft Word duffle bag, the woman
- confidently replied, "One," paused for a few seconds as the
- audience fell out of their seats laughing, and then gave the
- desired answer (nine) to walk off with the duffle bag and the
- audience's applause. Life is never dull around here.
- Microsoft Mac Word Technical Support -- 206/635-7200
- Information from:
- Pythaeus
- DeskWriter C Driver Grump
- -------------------------
- by Murph Sewall
- Santa kindly left a DeskWriter C under my tree so I'll be able to
- enlighten future undergraduates with color transparencies. But I
- found a few problems with the current DeskWriter C printer
- drivers. I was prepared to put up with the absence of background
- printing until the new driver came out, but the current driver is
- _not_compatible_ with 68040 caches. There are a couple of ways to
- temporarily disable the caches (without restarting), but those
- don't work with the DeskWriter C AppleTalk driver. With the caches
- on, an attempt to print (or even access print setup) hangs the
- system. With the caches temporarily off, print commands report
- that they can't find the DeskWriter C on the network (after a few
- seconds, the Chooser does find the printer, but on returning to
- the application, the driver loses it again).
- I'd read that some Quadra network problems are solved by the new
- version of AppleTalk (it ships with Remote AppleTalk, which I
- own). However, AppleTalk 57 made the incompatibility with the
- DeskWriter C driver even worse. Evidently, the existing DeskWriter
- C driver is entirely incompatible with AppleTalk 57 (likely to be
- part of System 7.1).
- OK, back to AppleTalk 56 and restart with caches off (only for
- testing, there's no way I plan to make a regular thing of running
- with caches off). I have a 2+ MB application (SPSS) that comes
- with it's own TrueType font. About This Macintosh... with balloon
- help says SPSS uses 2,250K, but the DeskWriter C driver says it
- doesn't have enough application memory to print a page when the
- app memory is set at 2,900K. [Editor's note: This is probably
- related in part to what Murph was printing, since the memory
- requirements rise dramatically when you want to print lots of
- colors. See our article on the DeskWriter C in TidBITS#80/09-Sep-
- 91 for more information.]
- I've talked to HP's technical support. They indicate that the
- System 7-friendly and Quadra-compatible drivers probably won't be
- available until "the second quarter." That's four, maybe six,
- months. The technician also said she didn't think there is even a
- beta copy yet, at least not one that is compatible with the
- Quadra. I appreciate the logic that the Quadra cache problem was
- something that took HP unaware (funny that the folks at Absoft
- included an item about it in their newsletter six months or so
- ago), but I don't understand why HP hasn't already shipped System
- 7-compatible drivers. Surely, HP had early beta copies of System
- 7, and the technical specifications even earlier. System 7 has
- been out for 7 months, a year later than originally planned.
- Other developers don't appear to have had too much difficulty
- upgrading for cache compatibility. Of course, print drivers may be
- a whole different problem than extensions and applications. The HP
- technician described Hewlett-Packard as "one of Apple's
- competitors, so they don't make beta hardware available to us." My
- understanding is that Apple's dealings with third party developers
- are not so simple. Perhaps someone out there can allay my
- suspicion that HP just hasn't been giving the problem adequate
- attention. [Ed. There have been ongoing complaints about the
- DeskWriter's drivers for quite some time now, so it's not too
- surprising that there would be problems with the DeskWriter C's
- driver as well.]
- The fact that the old drivers worked up to now may have led HP to
- assign a lower priority to working on the new drivers, but based
- on my experience, the existing AppleTalk driver is unlikely to
- work with the forthcoming 7.1 (and its likely associate, AppleTalk
- 57). Anyone contemplating purchasing a DeskWriter C to use with
- System 7.1 or a Quadra might want to insist on the new drivers
- before committing to the purchase. At the very least, pressing
- lots of dealers into calling HP about System 7.1-compatibility
- should generate more attention to the problem.
- Information from:
- Reviews/20-Jan-92
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK
- Lotus 1-2-3 for Macintosh -- pg. 93
- Mac Classic II -- pg. 93
- Hard Disk Toolkit -- pg. 100
- 24-bit accelerated graphics cards -- pg. 102
- RasterOps 24XLi
- SuperMac Thunder/24
- HAM -- pg. 108
- Hand-OFF II -- pg. 108
- Now Utilities -- pg. 108
- Prograph 2.5 -- pg. 109
- Ergonomic aids -- pg. 116
- Low end paint programs -- pg. 120
- Color MacCheese
- Fractal Design Painter
- MicroFrontier Color It!
- Aldus SuperPaint
- Workgroup software -- pg. 122
- References:
- MacWEEK -- 06-Jan-92, Vol. 6, #2
- ..
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